
Shiny phyloseq interactive tool available on - practical outcome of the Bioconductor Hackathon

We are thrilled to announce, that thanks to the help of the Bioconductor community, we could deploy the Shiny phyloseq App as an interactive tool (IT) on

Galaxy in Research: Unlocking genetic secrets of Lake Baikal’s endemic sponges

Explore the depths of Lake Baikal and discover how cutting-edge genetic research in Galaxy is unraveling the complex relationships between its unique sponge species.

Traefik Reverse Proxy for High Availablilty

A reverse proxy and loadbalancer for two headnode setup at Galaxy Europe

Enabling architectures that collect community-centric research software metadata

The ELIXIR Research Software Ecosystem (RSEc) and the Galaxy Codex make use of GitHub CI bots to collect research software metadata and provide a FAIR tool metadata repository for the global research community