GCC2021 Admin Training Track
Welcome everybody, and thank you for joining the GCC training week!
Everything you need for this course can be found on this webpage. More information including links to all training materials can be found by clicking on each session. Please adhere to our Code of Conduct, and have fun!
Start here. This will cover all the logistics and practical information for this training week.
Subtitles By: Saskia Hiltemann, Helena Rasche
Description: Start here; we will go over all the important things to know to get the most out of this workshop
Training Material: Slides
Supporting Materials
- Slides: Welcome to GCC2021 & Course Information
- Slack channel: #general - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #general ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Subtitles By: Helena Rasche
Training Material:
Supporting Materials
- Slack channel: #general - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #general ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Certificates of attendance can be requested after the training week.
- Have a registration for the GCC2021 Training Week
- Keep all your Galaxy histories
- We will ask you to provide links to the histories for all sessions you followed
- If a tutorial does not create a Galaxy history (e.g. developer training), keep any other outputs you may create during the training session
- Answer the dailiy icebreakers question on Slack every day
- Be active on Slack!
- Join the Slack channels for every training session you follow this week (links under "supporting materials" at the bottom of each session)
- Let us know when you are starting with a session in the session's dedicated Slack channel
- Talk about the session! Get stuck? Have a question about the science? want to discuss anything? do it in Slack!
- Whenever you finish a session, let us know on Slack that you have completed the tutorial, and let us know what you thought of it!
NOTE: You can follow as few or as many training sessions as you want, we will give you a personalized certificate listing all the sessions you attended.

Request now!
Please fill in this this Certificate Request Form
Deadline: no later than July 11, 2021.
Note: only fill in this form when you have completed all the training session you want to.
Subtitles By: Saskia Hiltemann
Description: This short video gives an overview of the worldwide Galaxy community, and different ways you can get involved! Video created by Beatriz Serrano-Solano.
Training Material: GalaxyProject Home, Galaxy servers, Galaxy Training Network, Support, Galaxy Publications, Galaxy Communities, Events, Mailing Lists, Galaxy Working Groups, GitHub, Gitter Chat, GTN Gitter, PaperCuts, GTN CoFest, Twitter, Twitter
Supporting Materials
- GalaxyProject Home: galaxyproject.org
- Galaxy servers: Find a Galaxy server near you!
- Galaxy Training Network: Start learning Galaxy
- Support: Galaxy Help Forum
- Galaxy Publications: Zotero
- Galaxy Communities: Find and Join a community
- Events: Galaxy Event Horizon
- Mailing Lists: Stay informed of Galaxy activity!
- Galaxy Working Groups: Find and join a WG
- GitHub: galaxyproject
- Gitter Chat: Start talking with the Galaxy Community!
- GTN Gitter: Join the training discussion here!
- PaperCuts: Monthly Collaboration Fest
- GTN CoFest: Everybody Welcome!
- Twitter: follow @galaxyproject
- Twitter: follow the GTN @gxytraining
- Slack channel: - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat?
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: . Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Webinar Series: Galaxy Resources For..
Each of the 4 webinars in this series that ran earlier this year highlights avaialble Galaxy resources for a different audience. These videos are a nice way to get an overview of what Galaxy has to offer for different types of users...Researchers
Subtitles By: We apologize for lack of captions on this video. If you are reliant on captions, please check back here soon.
Description: Wondering how to get started, or how to do a particular type of analysis, or how to scale to thousands of datasets? This webinar will highlight how to find the resources and help you need for each of these questions and more.
Training Material: Galaxy Webinar Page
..Educators and Trainers
Subtitles By: Saskia Hiltemann
Description: Galaxy is an exceptional resource for teaching bioinformatics and other data sciences. The Galaxy Platform itself makes sophisticated analysis tools and workflows accessible to learners without requiring them to become system administrators or learn command line interfaces. Galaxy is a graphical user interface that only requires a browser, and allows students and teachers to focus on concepts, rather than compute infrastructure.
Training Material: Galaxy Webinar Page
..Tool Developers
Subtitles By: We apologize for lack of captions on this video. If you are reliant on captions, please check back here soon.
Description: Galaxy is an excellent platform for increasing the visibility and use of computational tools in any domain that Galaxy has been applied to. If you develop computational analysis or visualization tools then this webinar will demonstrate how porting your tools to Galaxy can significantly increase their visibility and adoption.
Training Material: Galaxy Webinar Page
..Administrators & Infrastructure Providers
Subtitles By: We apologize for lack of captions on this video. If you are reliant on captions, please check back here soon.
Description: Galaxy can empower your community to create and run their own sophisticated and repeatable data analyses and visualizations, without requiring them to learn command line interfaces or Linux systems administration. If you are interested in helping your researchers help themselves with their data analyses, then this webinar is for you. We will cover resources available in the Galaxy ecosystem to help those who setup and maintain production Galaxy servers.
Training Material: Galaxy Webinar Page
Supporting Materials
- Galaxy Webinar Page: View past & upcoming webinars
- Slack channel: #event-gcc2021 - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #event-gcc2021 ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Introduction to Galaxy
Start here if you are new to Galaxy. These videos will introduce you to the Galaxy platform, and walk you through your first analyses
Subtitles By: Anton Nekrutenko
Description: This video will introduce the Galaxy data analysis platform, and give a short demo on how to use it.
Training Material: Slides
Supporting Materials
- Slides: A Slightly Longer Introduction to Galaxy
- FAQ Document - Have a question about this training? Check here to see if it has already been answered
- Slack channel: #00-galaxy-intro - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #00-galaxy-intro ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Hands-on Tutorial
Subtitles By: Anne Fouilloux
Description: This video tutorial will provide a non-genomics based first look at the Galaxy platform, how to use it, and discusses how you can get support for your data analysis.
Training Material: Tutorial
Supported Servers
Supporting Materials
- Tutorial: Galaxy Intro for Everyone (non-genomics)
- FAQ Document - Have a question about this training? Check here to see if it has already been answered
- Slack channel: #00-galaxy-intro - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #00-galaxy-intro ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Day 1
At the beginning of each day, say hi in Slack and let us know are getting started by answering the following icebreaker questions!

Monday Icebreaker Question
Let us know where you are from, and one fun fact about yourself!
Post your answers in #general on Slack!
And of course please feel free to respond to anybody here, this channel is for socializing and getting to know each other :)
Note: Please do this every day if you would like to receive a certificate of attendance
Supporting Materials
- Slides: Ansible
- Tutorial: Ansible
- Slack channel: #01-ansible - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #01-ansible ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Week Overview
Subtitles By: Saskia Hiltemann
Training Material: Week Overview Slides, Tutorial (All Parts), Database Slides, systemd Slides, Moving Towards Production Slides
Subtitles By: Nate Coraor, Helena Rasche
Training Material: Week Overview Slides, Tutorial (All Parts), Database Slides, systemd Slides, Moving Towards Production Slides
Supporting Materials
- Week Overview Slides: Installing Galaxy with Ansible
- Tutorial (All Parts): Installing Galaxy with Ansible
- Database Slides: Installing Galaxy with Ansible
- systemd Slides: Installing Galaxy with Ansible
- Moving Towards Production Slides: Installing Galaxy with Ansible
- Slack channel: #02-ansible-galaxy - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #02-ansible-galaxy ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Day 2
At the beginning of each day, say hi in Slack and let us know are getting started by answering the following icebreaker questions!

Tuesday Icebreaker Question
What is the coolest, most mind blowing fact (nature/people/animal etc.) you know?
Post your answers in #general on Slack!
And of course please feel free to respond to anybody here, this channel is for socializing and getting to know each other :)
Note: Please do this every day if you would like to receive a certificate of attendance
Subtitles By: Cristóbal Gallardo, Simon Gladman
Training Material: Tutorial
Supporting Materials
- Tutorial: Running jobs in Singularity
- Slack channel: #03-singularity - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #03-singularity ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Supporting Materials
- Slides: Ephemeris
- Tutorial: Ephemeris
- Slack channel: #03-ephemeris - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #03-ephemeris ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Supporting Materials
- Slides: Users, Groups, and Quotas
- Slack channel: #general - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #general ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

CVMFS Slides
CVMFS Tutorial
Supporting Materials
- Slides: Reference Data
- Tutorial: Reference Data
- Slack channel: #04-cvmfs - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #04-cvmfs ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Subtitles By: Helena Rasche, Saskia Hiltemann
Training Material: Tutorial
Supporting Materials
- Tutorial: Data Libraries
- Slack channel: #05-data-libraries - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #05-data-libraries ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Day 3
At the beginning of each day, say hi in Slack and let us know are getting started by answering the following icebreaker questions!

Wednesday Icebreaker Question
What is your favorite dish (food or drink)? Bonus points for recipes!
Post your answers in #general on Slack!
And of course please feel free to respond to anybody here, this channel is for socializing and getting to know each other :)
Note: Please do this every day if you would like to receive a certificate of attendance
Supporting Materials
- Slides: Galaxy Cluster Computing
- Tutorial: Galaxy Cluster Computing
- Slack channel: #07-compute-cluster - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #07-compute-cluster ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Supporting Materials
- Tutorial: Mapping Jobs to Destinations
- Slack channel: #07-compute-cluster - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #07-compute-cluster ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Day 4
At the beginning of each day, say hi in Slack and let us know are getting started by answering the following icebreaker questions!

Thursday Icebreaker Question
1. If you had a time machine, what is the first place & time you would visit? why?
2. What is your favourite book, tv show, movie or game that you would recommend to others?
Post your answers in #general on Slack!
And of course please feel free to respond to anybody here, this channel is for socializing and getting to know each other :)
Note: Please do this every day if you would like to receive a certificate of attendance
Supporting Materials
- Slides: Pulsar
- Exercise: Pulsar
- Slack channel: #08-pulsar - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #08-pulsar ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Supporting Materials
- Slides: DB queries, command line & scripts
- Exercise: DB queries, command line & scripts
- Slack channel: #09-storage - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #09-storage ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Supporting Materials
- Slides: Monitoring: Telegraf, InfluxDB, Grafana
- Tutorial: Monitoring: Telegraf, InfluxDB, Grafana
- Slack channel: #10-monitoring - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #10-monitoring ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Supporting Materials
- Slides: Maintenance, Backup and Restore
- Slack channel: #10-monitoring - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #10-monitoring ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Subtitles By: Simon Gladman, Helena Rasche
Training Material: tutorial
Supporting Materials
- tutorial: Upgrading Galaxy
- Slack channel: #11-cyoa - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #11-cyoa ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Day 5 - Choose Your OWN Adventure
At the beginning of each day, say hi in Slack and let us know are getting started by answering the following icebreaker questions!

Friday Icebreaker Question
What has been you favourite part of this training week? And what are you looking forward to most during the rest of GCC (if you are attending)?
Post your answers in #general on Slack!
And of course please feel free to respond to anybody here, this channel is for socializing and getting to know each other :)
Note: Please do this every day if you would like to receive a certificate of attendance
Subtitles By: Saskia Hiltemann
Description: This short video gives an overview of the worldwide Galaxy community, and different ways you can get involved! Video created by Beatriz Serrano-Solano.
Training Material: GalaxyProject Home, Galaxy servers, Galaxy Training Network, Support, Galaxy Publications, Galaxy Communities, Events, Mailing Lists, Galaxy Working Groups, GitHub, Gitter Chat, GTN Gitter, PaperCuts, GTN CoFest, Twitter, Twitter
Supporting Materials
- GalaxyProject Home: galaxyproject.org
- Galaxy servers: Find a Galaxy server near you!
- Galaxy Training Network: Start learning Galaxy
- Support: Galaxy Help Forum
- Galaxy Publications: Zotero
- Galaxy Communities: Find and Join a community
- Events: Galaxy Event Horizon
- Mailing Lists: Stay informed of Galaxy activity!
- Galaxy Working Groups: Find and join a WG
- GitHub: galaxyproject
- Gitter Chat: Start talking with the Galaxy Community!
- GTN Gitter: Join the training discussion here!
- PaperCuts: Monthly Collaboration Fest
- GTN CoFest: Everybody Welcome!
- Twitter: follow @galaxyproject
- Twitter: follow the GTN @gxytraining
- Slack channel: - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat?
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: . Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Self-Study Tutorial
Supporting Materials
- Reports Exercise: Monitoring With Reports
- Slack channel: #10-monitoring - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #10-monitoring ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Subtitles By: Helena Rasche, Saskia Hiltemann
Training Material: TIaaS Exercise
Supporting Materials
- TIaaS Exercise: Training Infrastructure as a Service (TIaaS)
- Slack channel: #12-tiaas - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #12-tiaas ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Supporting Materials
- Slides: Interactive Tools
- Tutorial: Interactive Tools
- Slack channel: #11-cyoa - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #11-cyoa ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Self-Study Tutorial
Supporting Materials
- Exercise: Jenkins & Automation
- Slack channel: #11-cyoa - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #11-cyoa ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Self-Study Tutorial
Supporting Materials
- Slides: Advanced Customisation
- Slack channel: #11-cyoa - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #11-cyoa ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Self-Study Tutorial
Supporting Materials
- Slides: When things go wrong: Galaxy Server Troubleshooting
- Slack channel: #11-cyoa - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #11-cyoa ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Self-Study Tutorial
Supporting Materials
- Docs: Python 2 to Python 3!
- Slack channel: #11-cyoa - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #11-cyoa ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Self-Study Tutorial
Supporting Materials
- Slides, Exercise: Tool Development
- Slack channel: #11-cyoa - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #11-cyoa ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Self-Study Tutorial
Supporting Materials
- DCs, Rule based: Dataset Collections
- Slack channel: #11-cyoa - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #11-cyoa ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Self-Study Tutorial
Supporting Materials
- Setting up, Exercise: Developing your own Training
- Slack channel: #11-cyoa - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #11-cyoa ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

Supporting Materials
- Exercise: Storage management
- Slack channel: #09-storage - Have question about the training? Did you run into a problem? Just wanna chat? Ask an Instructor on Slack!
- Finished the session? - Let us know that you've finished it, and what you thought of it! On Slack: (Channel: #09-storage ). Thanks!
- Enjoyed it? - Like the video on YouTube, Tweet (hashtag #usegalaxy), and follow the GTN on Twitter! @gxytraining

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This Global Galaxy course is only possible thanks to a Global network of instructors and institutes.Presenters & Instructors & Facilitators & Community Caption Contributors