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The Astronomy community and the EuroScienceGateway project

Towards harmonizing Open Data Practices in Astronomy with EuroScienceGateway community

Astronomy community will be one of the domain use cases of EuroScienceGateway project WP5.

There is a large potential for improvement for harmonization of rich and diverse open science practices in Astronomy with similar activities in other domains, such as BioInformatics, material science, and others.

EPFL and UPC partners will engage in EuroScienceGateway project to integrate catalogs of astronomical workflows and data, such as those included in the MMODA platform with Galaxy ecosystem.

This is especially interesting and important for emerging field of multi-messenger astronomy combining results from different telescopes and detectors (radio, visible light, X-ray, gamma-ray, gravitational wave, neutrino, cosmic ray) to derive holistic view on the nature of astronomical sources. This approach requires efficient interoperability between diverse data and data analysis workflows.

GW170817, as seen by grativational wave (LIGO, bottom panel) and gamma-ray (Fermi and INTEGRAL, top and middle panels) telescopes

Observation of the most prolific multi-messenger source so far, a merger of two neutron stars GW170817, as seen by grativational wave (LIGO, bottom panel) and gamma-ray (Fermi and INTEGRAL, top and middle panels) telescopes (B. P. Abbott et al 2017 ApJL 848 L13).