How to use Galaxy

How to cite Galaxy

Citing Galaxy

If you use Galaxy@Pasteur please cite doi:10.7490/f1000research.1114334.1

Cluster Load


For pasteur users:

  • Instructions on how to import big data here.
  • Galaxy Initiation slides are available here.
  • If you need a new tool or a new genome index for an existing tool (bwa, blast, star...), send an email to Pasteur_galaxy_support.

Warning! When xml are updated, workflows using them must be adapted.


We are striking! closes job-queue on February 14th to support climate strike

TabPFN: Foundation Model for Tabular Data in Galaxy

Fast machine learning method for making predictions on any tabular data

Galaxy Release 24.2

Check out the newest features and updates on Galaxy!

GBCC2025 Logo Contest Winner

The winner of the GBCC2025 Logo Contest is here!

EuroScienceGateway Project: Testing the deployment of Galaxy and Pulsar on the EOSC EU Node

Deploy your own Galaxy and Pulsar instances on the EOSC EU Node


Feb 27Research Data Management with RSpace and Galaxy - Talk and Q&A

Discover how RSpace's open-source solutions promote innovation and collaboration in research data management (RDM).

Mar 10 - Mar 14Workshop on high-throughput sequencing data analysis with Galaxy

This course introduces scientists to the data analysis platform Galaxy. The course is a beginner course; there is no requirement of any programming skills.