Galaxy is an open-source platform for FAIR data analysis that enables users to:

  • use tools from various domains (that can be plugged into workflows) through its graphical web interface.
  • run code in interactive environments (RStudio, Jupyter...) along with other tools or workflows.
  • manage data by sharing and publishing results, workflows, and visualizations.
  • ensure reproducibility by capturing the necessary information to repeat and understand data analyses.

The Galaxy Community is actively involved in helping the ecosystem improve and sharing scientific discoveries.

Galaxy Training Academy

The French Galaxy server

The French Galaxy server is maintained by IFB NNCR Cluster Task force. Please check our Terms of Use and data retention police before using the server. We offer thousands of tools, increased quota on temporary basis, and compute infrastructure for trainers through Training Infrastructure as a Service (TIaaS).

The following regional platforms, members of IFB, are involved in the maintenance and development of


Ask for help, tools, or temporary increase of quota on our support forum


If you are organising a training session, you can book computing resources using the TIaaS system


Can't find a tool on Why not search on the IFB Galaxy Catalog ?


Have you used the French Galaxy server for your data analysis?


The French Galaxy team is distributed across different cities in France.

Communities: domain-centric Galaxy subdomains


Data processing, analysis and annotation for the metabolomics community


Functional analysis and exploration of proteomics and transcriptomics data in biomedical research


Variant analysis, consensus using communuty approuved workflows and datasets


With the following tools and pipelines : FROGS, Qiime, Mothur, Obitools, DADA2, PICRUSt


Open-source Java library dedicated to the structural analysis of metabolic networks


Tools from the French Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Freiburg Galaxy team at the EGI 2024

Members from the Freiburg Galaxy team traveled to Lecce, Italy to participate and present the EuroScienceGateway (ESG) project at the EGI2024 meeting from 1st-3rd October.

Expanding the Galaxy platform to materials science workflows at STFC

New Opportunities for Better User Group Software (NOBUGS 2024)

Galaxy in Research: New insights into antibody activation using AlphaFold in Galaxy

How do antigens trigger B-cell receptors (BCRs), and can a single mechanism explain the activation of all BCR types? This study explores a unifying model that integrates various mechanisms of BCR triggering, providing fresh perspectives on antibody activation.

Galaxy Newsletter: September 2024

Discover exciting updates, including the Galaxy Training Academy 2024, ColabFold's arrival on Galaxy, GBCC2025, and major community milestones!

100,000 users for Galaxy-EU

We are thrilled to announce, that UseGalaxy.EU has reached 100,000 users!


Oct 21 - Oct 23EOSC Symposium

EOSC Symposium 2024 invites all EOSC projects. It will take place under the patronage of the German Minister for Education and Research Bettina Stark-Watzinger. The event is being organised by the EOSC Association, the EOSC-A German Mandated Organisation, NFDI, the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, an EOSC-A Member, and with the support of the Horizon Europe project EOSC Focus. The Galaxy Project will join as core pillar of the EU-funded EOSC EuroScienceGateway project.

Nov 13 - Nov 16Biological Data Science

The scope of this meeting will be the infrastructure, software, and algorithms needed to analyze large data sets in biological research.

Nov 21microGalaxy Meets IWC - A Hackathon for microbial data analysis workflow FAIRification

One-day hackathon focused on integrating, refining, and FAIRifying microbial data analysis Galaxy workflows within the Intergalactic Workflow Commission (IWC), enhancing their accessibility, reusability for the microbiology community

Mar 10 - Mar 14Workshop on high-throughput sequencing data analysis with Galaxy

This course introduces scientists to the data analysis platform Galaxy. The course is a beginner course; there is no requirement of any programming skills.