Galaxy is an open-source platform for FAIR data analysis that enables users to:

  • use tools from various domains (that can be plugged into workflows) through its graphical web interface.
  • run code in interactive environments (RStudio, Jupyter...) along with other tools or workflows.
  • manage data by sharing and publishing results, workflows, and visualizations.
  • ensure reproducibility by capturing the necessary information to repeat and understand data analyses.

The Galaxy Community is actively involved in helping the ecosystem improve and sharing scientific discoveries.

Galaxy Training Academy

The French Galaxy server

The French Galaxy server is maintained by IFB NNCR Cluster Task force. Please check our Terms of Use and data retention police before using the server. We offer thousands of tools, increased quota on temporary basis, and compute infrastructure for trainers through Training Infrastructure as a Service (TIaaS).

The following regional platforms, members of IFB, are involved in the maintenance and development of


Ask for help, tools, or temporary increase of quota on our support forum


If you are organising a training session, you can book computing resources using the TIaaS system


Can't find a tool on Why not search on the IFB Galaxy Catalog ?


Have you used the French Galaxy server for your data analysis?


The French Galaxy team is distributed across different cities in France.

Communities: domain-centric Galaxy subdomains


Data processing, analysis and annotation for the metabolomics community


Functional analysis and exploration of proteomics and transcriptomics data in biomedical research


Variant analysis, consensus using communuty approuved workflows and datasets


With the following tools and pipelines : FROGS, Qiime, Mothur, Obitools, DADA2, PICRUSt


Open-source Java library dedicated to the structural analysis of metabolic networks


Tools from the French Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Galaxy in Research: Uncovering the evolutionary secrets of wild loquats using comparative chloroplast genomics

A new study has sequenced and analyzed two wild loquat chloroplast genomes, revealing key insights into their evolutionary history and the genetic diversity of loquat species.

Hosting R/Shiny applications on Galaxy (and other frameworks)

Thanks to the outcome of a small Galaxy/Bioconductor hackathon earlier this year, it has become much easier to deploy Shiny applications as interactive tools (ITs) on

Opinion: Conda, Anaconda and the much bigger problem behind it

Anaconda, DockerHub,, GitHub ... we need to talk about the sustainability of our infrastructure.

Galaxy in Research: Advancing quantum materials research with Galaxy

At Oak Ridge National Laboratory, scientists have harnessed the power of Galaxy to bring together cutting-edge computing resources, paving the way for new discoveries in quantum materials through advanced neutron scattering data analysis.

Galaxy in Research: Exploring DNA methylation and aging across diverse human tissues

How does DNA methylation correlate with aging across different human tissues? A new study provides insights into this question, revealing tissue-specific and shared epigenetic patterns.


Sep 10 - Sep 12sc-verse Conference 2024

Join us at the sc-verse Conference in Munich to explore the latest advancements in single-cell analysis with Galaxy. Discover the innovative features Galaxy offers in this cutting-edge field of single-cell research, and be sure to attend our poster session for an in-depth discussion and the opportunity to engage directly with our team.

Sep 10 - Sep 13A practical introduction to bioinformatics and RNA-seq using Galaxy

Ready to explore the fascinating world of RNA-seq data analysis using Galaxy? Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Visit our event webpage now to discover the program details, meet the organising team, and submit your application.

Sep 11Webinar on data management with DataHub (Onedata)

At 14:00 CEST, join this Webinar if you are interested in the recent Galaxy & Onedata integration (remote data source and Object Store).

Oct 7 - Oct 11Galaxy Training Academy 2024

Are you ready to enhance your data analysis skills? The Galaxy Training Academy is a five-day global online event designed for beginners and those looking to enhance their Galaxy expertise.