New Review Article "A Galaxy of informatics resources for MS-based proteomics"
New Taylor and Francis Review article on "A Galaxy of informatics resources for MS-based proteomics"
Mehta et al. review states that the Galaxy ecosystem has been recognized for its unwavering commitment to providing researchers with a comprehensive suite of open-source tools and a scalable, accessible computing environment tailored to the demands of MS-based proteomics analysis and applications. In the (Review Article)[], the authors have described how this robust platform is underpinned by the collaborative efforts of a thriving global community that actively maintains the software and its associated training resources, thus empowering researchers to conduct data-driven analyses efficiently and effectively.
Acknowledgements to the GTN and the "usegalaxy.*"
Continuous advances in mass spectrometry (MS) technologies have enabled deeper and more reproducible proteome characterization and a better understanding of biological systems when integrated with other ‘omics data. Bioinformatic resources are critically needed to meet the analysis requirements of increasingly complex MS-based proteomic data and associated multi-omic data. These requirements included the availability of software that would span diverse types of analyses, scalability for large-scale, compute-intensive applications, and mechanisms to ease software adoption.