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UseGalaxy.eu Use Case: cardiac regeneration in neonatal mice

A report out of Galaxy Europe's user space, by Mona Malek Mohammadi

With this article we would like to share Mona's experience with usegalaxy.eu and its use for her research.

I am Mona Malek Mohammadi from the Institute of Physiology I, University Hospital Bonn.

Our group's research focuses on understanding the mechanism of cardiac regeneration in neonatal mice. This is because neonatal mice at postnatal day 1 (P1) are able to regenerate the heart after injury or adapt to pressure overload, but this ability is lost seven days after birth. Given high mortality and morbidity rates upon cardiovascular diseases, our research aims to discover regenerative mechanisms in neonatal mice, to be able to discover new therapeutic strategies for humans in the future.

Galaxy has been a great help in this regard, which allows us to analyze RNA sequencing data obtained from heart tissues and different cell types of the heart. Using Galaxy, we have been able to rapidly compare and cross different samples, thus having gained great insights into the mechanism of cardiac regeneration. Recently, we could publish a manuscript on our research:

Hu & Malek Mohammadi - Right ventricular cardiomyocyte expansion accompanies cardiac regeneration in newborn mice after large left ventricular infarcts (JCI Insight. 2024 Feb 6;9(5):e176281. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.176281 PMID: 38319719)

Galaxy is a very helpful tool for our research and we are highly grateful for the opportunity to use it and appreciate the support team for their help.