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RNA-seq Analysis using Galaxy

An Introduction to RNA-seq Analysis (Human, Mouse) using Galaxy at University of Isfahan (in Persian)

28th October 2020, 30th October 2020


The Freiburg Galaxy team and University of Isfahan organize an online workshop in Persian to demonstrate how Galaxy can be used for RNA-seq data analysis.


  • An Introduction to NGS
  • An Introduction to RNA-sequencing (Experimental and In silico)
  • The applications of RNA-seq
  • RNA-seq databases
  • Statistical principals of gene expression analysis: p-value, Log2FC, FPKM
  • Introduction to Galaxy
  • Case study I: Human and Mouse RNA-seq data analysis using HISAT2, FeatureCounts and Limma tools in order to achieve Differential Expressed Genes (DEGs)
  • Case study II:Investigation of downstream pathways relating to DEGs: GO and Pathway Analyses

Target audience: Students (BSc, MSc, or PHD) of biology, medicine, medical engineering and computer sciences clinical laboratory technician.


  • Maryam Kay, Ph.D.
  • Fariba Dehghanian, Assistant Professor, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology & Microbiology, University of Isfahan
  • Alireza Khanteymoori, Postdoc Researcher at the University of Freiburg and member of the European Galaxy team.


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