How to use Galaxy

How to cite Galaxy

Citing Galaxy

If you use Galaxy@Pasteur please cite doi:10.7490/f1000research.1114334.1

Cluster Load


For pasteur users:

  • Instructions on how to import big data here.
  • Galaxy Initiation slides are available here.
  • If you need a new tool or a new genome index for an existing tool (bwa, blast, star...), send an email to Pasteur_galaxy_support.

Warning! When xml are updated, workflows using them must be adapted.


SPOC HDR UK ELIXIR-UK CoFest 2025: How did it go?

We held our second 🖖🏾SPOC CoFest, in the great tradition of the excellent CoFests organised in the GTN that welcomed @gtn:nomadscientist and many others into the community.

We are striking! closes job-queue on February 14th to support climate strike

CellxGene-VIP scRNA-seq, spatial transcriptomics, and multiome data visualization

CELLxGENE-VIP is a frontend plugin of CELLxGENE, enabling users to generate multiple QC plots in high-resolution SVG or PNG format. It can also visualize spatial transcriptomics and 10X multiome.

TabPFN: Foundation Model for Tabular Data in Galaxy

Fast machine learning method for making predictions on any tabular data


Mar 6 - Mar 7Awareness in Data Management and Analysis for Industry and Research

Join the #BioNT workshop on Data Management and Analysis for Industry and Research

Mar 10 - Mar 14Workshop on high-throughput sequencing data analysis with Galaxy

This course introduces scientists to the data analysis platform Galaxy. The course is a beginner course; there is no requirement of any programming skills.

Mar 12 - Mar 14E-Science-Tage 2025

The E-Science-Tage is an interdisciplinary conference series on research data management and open science. The Freiburg Galaxy team will present a poster on Galaxy's applicability in the humanities and offer a workshop.