Galaxy is a user-friendly open-source web platform designed to facilitate accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational research. It provides access to a vast collection of free-to-use, well-documented and maintained tools.

Galaxy Italy provides Elixir Italy users and beyond compute and storage resources for running several tools in different research domains. For more information, issues and suggestions please contact us by mail.

The Italian Galaxy server

The Italian Galaxy server is maintained primarily by ELIXIR-ITALY, in collaboration with many academic groups across Italy. Please check our Terms of Use before using the server.

The following Institutions are actively providing resource to CNR, INFN, University of Bari, Consortium GARR, CINECA and University of Milan.


Ask for help, tools, or temporary increase of quota on our support forum

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Be updated on the Italian Galaxy community activities! Subscribe to our mailing list.


Need to deploy your own Galaxy instance? Have a look to Laniakea.


Have you used the Italian Galaxy server or Laniakea for your data analysis?

Elixir Italy

For any questions regarding ELIXIR-Italy initiatives, please contact us.

Our Data Policy

Registered UsersUnregistered UsersGDPR Compliance
User data on (i.e. datasets, histories) will be available as long as they are not deleted by the user. Once marked as deleted the datasets will be permanently removed within 14 days. If the user "purges" the dataset in the Galaxy, it will be removed immediately, permanently. In special cases, an extended quota can be requested for a limited time period.. Processed data will only be accessible during one browser session, using a cookie to identify your data. This cookie is not used for any other purposes (e.g. tracking or analytics). If service is not accessed for 90 days, those datasets will be permanently deleted. The Galaxy service complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can read more about this on our Terms and Conditions.


The Laniakea@ReCaS service, based on Laniakea software stack, provides the possibility to automate the creation of Galaxy-based virtualized environments through an easy setup procedure, providing an on-demand workspace ready to be used by life scientists and bioinformaticians. At the end of the configuration process, the user gains access to a private, production-grade, fully customizable, Galaxy virtual instance. Laniakea features the deployment of a stand-alone or cluster-backed Galaxy instances, shared reference data volumes, encrypted data volumes and rapid development of novel Galaxy flavours for specific tasks.

For more information about Laniakea, please subscribe to our mailing list.

Get Access

Laniakea@ReCaS home page

Communities: Laniakea's public servers


VINYL (Variant prIoritizatioN bY survivaL analysis) integrates an innovative method for variant prioritization, along with a highly curated collection of databases and resources for the annotation of human genetic variants.


CorGAT, the Coronavirus Genome Analysis Tool, is a novel, highly effective and user-friendly approach for the functional annotation of SARS-CoV-2 genomes based on Galaxy.


ITSoneWB (ITSone WorkBench) collects and integrates the high-quality ITS1 reference collection in ITSoneDB with DNA metabarcoding well-established analysis pipelines and new tools in an easy-to-use service addressing the eukaryotic domain of life.


PIPE-T is the first Galaxy tool for parsing, filtering, normalising, imputing, and analysing RT-qPCR data. PIPE-T integrates the functionalities implemented in various R packages, such as HTqPCR, impute, and RankProd, in a simple, transparent, accessible, reproducible, and user-friendly environment.


New Paper "Guidance framework to apply best practices in ecological data analysis: lessons learned from building Galaxy-Ecology"

We are excited to share our recent publication in GigaScience. This paper presents a practical framework aimed at improving transparency, reproducibility, and efficiency in ecological research by leveraging the Galaxy-Ecology platform.​

Galaxy meets Onedata — distributed storage for science

Galaxy now features comprehensive integration with Onedata — a distributed data management platform. Users gain more options regarding their data sources (Bring Your Own Data) and storage locations (Bring Your Own Storage).

New Paper "Clouds influence the functioning of airborne microorganisms"

Péguilhan et al. have collaborated with Dr. Bérénice Batut and Engy Nasr and used Galaxy for Cloud and Clear skys data analysis in their newly published paper

Freiburg is hosting its 20th HTS-Workshop

Time to celebrate! Freiburg is hosting its 20th HTS Workshop this March of 2025


Mar 26BRC Analytics Webinar

Please join Anton Nekrutenko and Scott Cain for a look at BRC Analytics and new features in Galaxy!