Configure Cloud Authorization for Azure

On this page we explain how to setup a service principal on Azure, and how to configure Galaxy to assume that service principal.

Step 1: Create an Azure Service Principal

  1. Goto and login with your Azure credentials.
  2. Select Azure Active Directory > App registrations, then click New registration (as shown on the following figure).


  1. Enter a name for the application, and click on the Register button (see the following figure).


  1. On the application Overview window, take note of Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID (see the following figure).


  1. Select Certificates & secrets, then click on the New client secret* button, and take note of the value (see the following figure).


Step 2: Setup Galaxy to Use an Azure Service Principal

To setup Galaxy to use a service principal, you need to POST a payload as the following to /api/cloud/authz API of Galaxy:

  "provider": "azure",
  "config": {
    "tenant_id": "...",
    "client_id": "...",
    "client_secret": "..."

You may send the API request using curl as the following:

 curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{"provider": "azure", "config": {"tenant_id": "...","client_id": "...","client_secret": "..."}}' \

This API call with respond with the created Azure authnz record as the following:

    "model_class": "CloudAuthz",
    "config": {
    "client_id": "...",
    "client_secret": "...",
    "tenant_id": "..."
    "user_id": "...",
    "last_activity": "2020-12-15 15:37:56.123303",
    "create_time": "2020-12-15 21:37:56.125248",
    "description": "",
    "last_update": "2020-12-15 15:37:56.123284",
    "id": "...",
    "provider": "azure",
    "authn_id": null