Active Galaxy communities are encouraged to participate in (or form) their own SIG, with a focus on specific shared interests. You can learn more in our dedicated tutorial: What's a SIG?
Galaxy Communities Calendar
Check out the upcoming meetings across the communities.
Please note: The Galaxy Community Board introduced this in December 2024, so we are still collecting communities to add to it! Do you not see your community? Follow this FAQ to add it!
Directory of Special Interest Groups
In the following you will find a list of current active Special Interest Groups. If you can't find yourself in this list we always welcome new SIGs. You can read more about the GCB and SIGs or learn how to set up your own.
Communities of Practice
Scientific Field
The Climate Science workbench is a comprehensive set of analysis tools and consolidated workflow.
Group of computational chemistry tool developers, trainers and users to help connect outreach, user needs, and computationalists.
A web platform to get, process, analyze and visualize earth data.
A web platform to get, process, analyze and visualize ecological data.
Galaxy as a platform for the annotation of genomes.
A Galaxy workbench with tools and workflows for materials science, including muon spectroscopy.
Anything regarding microbial data analysis in Galaxy, with meetings, working groups, chat and mailing list
Announcements and discussion in the Galaxy Public Health Community.
A comprehensive set of data preprocessing, machine learning, deep learning and visualisation tools, and consolidated workflows for end-to-end machine learning analysis.
Community-driven metabolomics Galaxy service. The main aim is to give people a public space to discover and run metabolomics tools.
An open, interoperable web service platform for natural language processing (NLP) research and development.
Galaxy-based platform for the functional analysis and the interpretation of proteomics and transcriptomics data in biomedical research.
The Single cell and sPatial Omics Community (🖖🏾SPOC) unites tool developers, trainers and users to help connect outreach, user needs, and computationalists.
This community gathers image analysis enthusiasts across different scientific disciplines.
Admins of small scale Galaxy servers.
Regional Communities
Galaxy African community.
The Galaxy Arabic speaking community supports Galaxy activity for the Arabic speaking community and Arabic speaking regions of the world.
Australian Galaxy community.
Česká komunita Galaxy / Czech Galaxy Community.
The European Galaxy Community and the European Galaxy Server.
Galaxy in the French-speaking world.
Indian Galaxy Community.
Galaxy community in Switzerland
Galaxy in the United Kingdom.
Scientific Projects
The global community is running a set of scientific multi-year-long projects which includes these areas:
This project emphasizes applying Galaxy in cancer research.
- GitHub Project
- Google Drive
- Matrix Channel
- Leadership: Luke Sargent
This project emphasizes applying Galaxy in human research.
- Google Drive
- Goals Slide
- Leadership: Enis Afgan
This project emphasizes analysis of SARS-CoV-2.
- Project Page
- Leadership: Anton Nekrutenko, Wolfgang Maier
Collaboration Between VGP and Galaxy Project for free and easy access to large genome assembly workflows.
- Slack Channel
- Github Project
- Leadership: Delphine Lariviere