Galaxy-P @ Metaproteome Symposium 2018
4 talks using Galaxy for Metaproteomics
The Galaxy-P Project will be giving 4 presentations at 3rd International Metaproteome Symposium in Leipzig.
Date | Time | Topic | Presenter |
Mon Dec 3 | 11:45 | metaQuantome: An integrated, quantitative metaproteomics approach reveal connections between taxa, function & protein expression in microbiomes | Pratik Jagtap |
Wed Dec 5 | 10:00 | Multi‐omic informatics for characterizing microbiomes and their role in health disease and environment | Timothy Griffin, Magnus Arntzen |
10:15 | Survey of metaproteomics software tools for functional microbiome analysis | Pratik Jagtap | |
10:30 | Slice and Splice: An accessible Galaxy-based metaproteomic database sectioning approach improves taxonomic and functional microbiome characterization | Praveen Kumar |