2018 GCCBOSC2018 Conferences: Training

GCC2018 + BOSC 2018: The Bioinformatics Community Conference
**June 25-30, Portland, Oregon, United States**
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The joint 2018 Bioinformatics Open Source and Galaxy Community Conferences start with two days of training. The training topics were nominated by and then voted on by our communities.

GCCBOSC2018 will be held 25-30 June in Portland, Oregon, United States. The first day of training is focused on Galaxy and offers two introductory tracks, one for researchers analyzing their data, and one for Galaxy admins.

The second day of training features five tracks covering a breadth of topics of interest to the BOSC and Galaxy communities.

Topic Key

AudienceBBBeginning Bioinformatics Analyst
XBExperienced Bioinformatics Analyst
IPInfrastructure Provider
TDTool Developer
InterfaceGGGalaxy or other Graphical User Interface
CLCommand line, scripting and/or basic programming

Q: What makes a bioinformatic analyst experienced?
A: Attending at least one beginning bioinformatics session.

The topics

These topics are being offered at GCCBOSC 2018.

BBXB----Setting up for success: Everything you need to know when planning for an RNA-seq analysis (2 sessions)
BBXB--GG-Galaxy 101 - A gentle introduction to Galaxy
BBXB--GG-RNA-Seq Analysis in Galaxy
BBXB--GG-Galaxy For Proteogenomics !
BBXB--GGCLGATK4: What's new and how to run it
BBXB--GGCLData Carpentry Genomics Workshop: Data Organization and Automation with Shell (3 sessions)
BBXB--GGCLHandling integrated biological data using Python (or R) and InterMine
-XBIP-GG-Bioinformatics Training and Education with the Galaxy Training Network
-XBIP--CLPractical use of the Galaxy API command line tools
-XBIPTD-CLCommand line workflow management systems: Snakemake and Nextflow
-XBIPTD-CLWDL, the Workflow Description Language
-XBIPTD-CLCommunity built analyses that run everywhere with bcbio
-XBIPTD-CLIntroduction to Common Workflow Language
--IPTD-CLConda and Containers
--IP--CLIntroduction to Galaxy Administration (3 sessions)
--IP--CLGalaxy Interactive Environments
--IP---Galaxy Architecture