May 2015 Penn State RNA-Seq Galaxy Workshop

Hey Everyone,
This meeting is open to anyone interested in RNA-Seq analysis and biology workflows. Anton Nekrutenko of the Galaxy team will be delivering an introduction to RNA-Seq resources available at Galaxy from a practitioner's viewpoint.
Galaxy Team members will be available for any additional questions.
Thanks and hope to see you there!
- May 15 (Friday) 10AM to 1PM
- Refreshments and snacks will be available.
W203 Millennium Science Complex, University Park
Waiting List
Please indicate your interest in future events or get on the waiting list.
What is Galaxy and why could it be interesting to me?
Galaxy is a web-based, open source, data integration and analysis platform for life science research. The core pillars of the application are:
- Accessibility: enable bench scientists to create bioinformatics analyses
- Reproducibility: facilitate computational methods to be completely easily reproducible
- Transparency: enable easy sharing and publishing of research data and analyses
A sample instance of the application that is free to use is available at Although focused around Galaxy, this workshop is open to anyone interested in the above topics without their specific ties to the application.