Intergalactic Utilities Commission


Intergalactic Utilities Commission

The Intergalactic Utilities Commission (IUC) was established in 2012 to enable the pervasive use of the main Galaxy Tool Shed by ensuring the repositories available include contents that are functionally correct and optimized for installation into local Galaxies. When appropriate, the group provides guidance to Galaxy tool developers so that they can improve the quality of their repositories.


  • Maintains a set of high quality Galaxy tools in the GitHub repository. This repo serves as an excellent example and inspiration to all Galaxy tool developers.
  • Cultivates and shares the Galaxy tool development best practices document.
  • Provides support to tool developers on a public Gitter channel.


IUC membership evolves over time and helpful community contributors are asked to join.

Member Joined GitHub
Daniel Blankenberg, Cleveland Clinic founding member @blankenberg
Peter Cock, The James Hutton Institute founding member @peterjc
Nate Coraor, Galaxy Team, Penn State University founding member @natefoo
Björn Grüning, University of Freiburg founding member @bgruening
Nicola Soranzo, Earlham Institute 2014-08-25 @nsoranzo
Helena Rasche, Erasmus University Medical Center 2014-08-25 @hexylena
Marius van den Beek, Galaxy Team, Penn State University 2015-10-12 @mvdbeek
Greg Von Kuster, Penn State University founding member @gregvonkuster
Anthony Bretaudeau, GenOuest BioInformatics Platform 2016-05-11 @abretaud
Saskia Hiltemann, Erasmus University Medical Center 2016-06-14 @shiltemann
Lance Parsons, Princeton University 2016-10-28 @lparsons
Bérénice Batut, University of Freiburg 2017-02-14 @bebatut
Maria Doyle, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre 2017-11-11 @mblue9
Matthias Bernt, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) 2018-07-20 @bernt-matthias
Wolfgang Maier, University of Freiburg 2019-11-04 @wm75
Cristóbal Gallardo, University of Freiburg 2021-11-25 @gallardoalba
Peter van Heusden, South African National Bioinformatics Institute (SANBI) 2022-05-04 @pvanheus
Saim Momin, University of Freiburg 2025-02-18 @SaimMomin12

Former members

Member Joined GitHub
Brad Chapman, Harvard School of Public Health founding member @chapmanb
Ira Cooke, James Cooke University founding member @iracooke
Edward Kirton, U.S. Department of Energy founding member
Ross Lazarus, Harvard Medical School and University of Sydney founding member @fubar2
Youri Hoogstrate, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 2015-10-07 @yhoogstrate
Simon Gladman, University of Melbourne 2017-11-11 @Slugger70
Dave Bouvier, Galaxy Team, Penn State University founding member @davebx
James Johnson, University of Minnesota founding member @jj-umn