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bwHPC Symposium

Introducing Galaxy: A new cloud and HPC gateway for data-driven computational research

The 9th bwHPC Symposium took place on October 23 2023 at the University of Mannheim and offered a unique opportunity to present Galaxy as a new cloud and HPC gateway for data-driven computational research to an actively engaged bwHPC community. The focus of the Symposium was to present scientific projects, research infrastructures, and platforms in the HPC realm and to share success stories. Galaxy fits very well into this context and the talk was a great opportunity to present Galaxy, its new features, and what all usegalaxy.eu offers including GTN, and TIaaS to a larger audience. The talk was well received and triggered a brief discussion on Galaxy's new features Bring Your Own Compute (BYOC) and Bring Your Own Storage (BYOS) concepts.

Acknowledgements: The author would like to thank the organizers of the 9th bwHPC Symposium for the opportunity to present Galaxy at the Symposium. The author would also like to thank the Galaxy Community and the Galaxy Freiburg team.