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FOSDEM 2024: How Galaxy democratizes data analysis

Galaxy Europe at the Free and Open Source Developers’ European Meeting in Brussels 🍟

FOSDEM (‘Free and Open Source Developers’ European Meeting') is the biggest free and open-source software conference in Europe which took place in Brussels in the middle of Europe on 3rd and 4th February 2024. The conference itself is also free and you don’t need to register, just come and attend the talks. This makes it the ideal place to present Galaxy and raise awareness among the open source developer and research community and eventually onboard new developers or researchers.

To be able to bring expertise from both the scientific and the technical side of Galaxy, Polina Polunina, a Galaxy Europe researcher, and Mira Kuntz, Galaxy Europe Admin, teamed up and submitted an abstract.

Fortunately, our abstract “Science without secrets – how Galaxy democratizes data analysis” was accepted and we traveled to Brussels 🎉

After tasting the best french fries in the whole city and listening to many interesting talks on Saturday, e.g. the latest updates on containerd, we got ready to give our talk in the Open Research Devroom.
The focus of the talk was to illustrate how the Galaxy platform addresses challenges in scientific research, emphasizing collaboration, reproducibility, scalability, and compliance, while also providing technical insights to ensure understanding among audiences with a technical background. We were happy to tell so many people about Galaxy and show them ways to optimize their research and be part of a huge community. The talk was recorded and you can watch it below or here and check out our slides.

Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the FOSDEM organizers for their commitment to make this amazing conference possible every year and give us the opportunity to present Galaxy, but also the whole Galaxy team for supporting us! ❤️