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Tracegroomer: a solution to format and normalise metabolomics data for DIMet tool

Please welcome Tracegroomer - a new member of the Galaxy bookshelf

Please welcome Tracegroomer - a new member of the Galaxy bookshelf.

TraceGroomer is a solution for formatting and normalising isotope-labeled (a.k.a tracer) metabolomics given file(s), to produce the tabular files ready for the DIMet tool. Several input formats, such as IsoCor output files, are accepted, and more! For any of the supported inputs, TraceGroomer generates an independent file for each type of quantification:

i) total metabolite abundances ii) Isotopologues iii) Isotopologues' proportions and iv) mean enrichment (a.k.a fractional contributions)

Moreover, data normalization -whether by the amount of material and/or by an internal standard- is also possible: TraceGroomer processes your data in seconds!

To learn more about our tool, please visit the GitHub repository. Full documentation can be found in the Tracegroomer Wiki.