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IRCCS AOUBO Hospital in Bologna leverages Galaxy Project for diagnosing rare diseases

The Galaxy Project has found its way into the practices of a leading medical institution in Bologna, Italy

The Galaxy Project has found its way into the practices of IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna (IRCCS AOUBO), a leading medical institution in Bologna, Italy. At IRCCS AOUBO, research groups are wielding the Galaxy Project capabilities and have integrated it in the Computational Genomics Platform, a system of bioinformatic solutions designed and maintained by the IRCCS AOUBO Computational Genomics (BOSCO) team. Notably, the hospital is using a production Galaxy instance consisting of a customised local Galaxy server tailored to the execution of genomic analysis workflows in the clinical setting. BOSCO Galaxy instance is primarily focused on the genomic diagnosis of rare diseases, but use cases are now expanding to other clinical needs and towards the incorporation of data from different technologies. In this context, Galaxy is marking an improvement in:

  • the development and implementation of custom bioinformatic pipelines,
  • data sharing among genomic and clinical scientists within the institute,
  • making complex bioinformatic tasks available to non-bioinformaticians
  • providing the clinical research community with maintained, standardised, reproducible

and easy-to-use analysis pipelines. For these reasons, the Galaxy Project has found a stable place in the genomic toolkit that the BOSCO team has been established at IRCCS AOUBO and represents a favourable ground for the development and deployment of data analysis pipelines in the clinic.