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Galaxy at the E-Science Days 2025 in Heidelberg

We are presenting Galaxy's applicability for the Humanities

The Freiburg Galaxy team presented use cases from the Humanities at the E-Science Days

The E-Science Days in Heidelberg took place in Heidelberg from March 12-14, 2025. With the motto "Research Data Management: Challenges in a Changing World", the researchers and FDM experts came together for workshops, lectures and presentations to discuss the current opportunities and challenges of RDM and e-science.

Welcoming Poster in Heidelberg

We took the opportunity to show that Galaxy is a valuable tool for the Humanities. Together with de.KCD, Galaxy Freiburg gave a workshop on Wednesday focusing on cloud services. Our part in the workshop explained a text-mining tutorial for Chinese newspapers and how participants could do this.

The poster we preseted

On Friday, Galaxy Freiburg presented a poster on how Galaxy can support open science in the Humanities. The poster and a related paper will be published online. We had many interesting discussions during the poster session and enjoyed the exchange with researchers and FDM experts. Thanks to the organisers in Heidelberg, who made the conference a great experience.