GalaxyAdmins December 2016 Meetup
GalaxyAdmins December 2016 Meetup
Date | 15 December 2016 |
Time | 5 pm Central European Time. See your local time |
Topic 1 | Galaxy Training Materials: Community creation, curation, and use, Björn Grüning and Bérénice Batut, University of Freiburg |
Topic 2 | The new Galaxy Hub: Community creation, curation, and use, Dannon Baker, Johns Hopkins University |
Links | Video |
GalaxyAdmins is a discussion group for Galaxy community members who are responsible for Galaxy installations.
Both talks this month are about efforts that have embraced community driven content creation, updating, and sharing. One of them is using GitHub and presentation technologies to make Galaxy training material available online in such a way that anyone can contribute to it. The second talk is about the move of Galaxy's wiki to GitHub and the use of Metalsmith to generate the web site and take advantage of metadata.
Call Technology

The meetup's online conference room will open 15 minutes before the meetup. The call will use Johns Hopkins' Adobe Connect server, which in turn uses Adobe Flash. You are encouraged to connect a few minutes early to work out any unexpected bumps.
Instructions for Participants
You can ask questions by typing the question in the chat box.