[GCC2015 is done](http://gcc2015.tsl.ac.uk/). *[GCC2018 is coming](https://gccbosc2018.sched.com).*
This page describes the Galaxy UK Community (GCUK)Birds of a Feather meetup being held at GCC2015.
When:: Wednesday, 8th July. 18:00 (6pm)
Where:: Watson Room, JICCC
Contact:: Christian-dot-Schudoma-at-TSL-dot-ac-dot-uk
This is a BoF for the Galaxy Community from the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Local events/issues of the GCUK.
When and Where
Wednesday, 8th July, 18.00/6pm
Who is Participating
If you are interested, please add your name below and/or send an email to [Christian Schudoma TSL](mailto:christian.schudoma AT tsl DOT ac DOT uk).
- Christian Schudoma
- Nicola Soranzo
- Rémi Marenco
- Peter Cock
- Dan MacLean
- Peter Li
- Dave Clements
(14 people came)
What do people want GCUK to do?
- Support
- Get quicker answers, or just get answers.
- help locate complementary trainers.
- buying a server would like advice on vendors and what to buy.
- Galaxy Carpentry?
- Support
Might be scope in Peter's grant for a galaxy workshop with a strong metabolomics bent,
TGAC's Galaxy server is for all BBSRC funded research/ institutions.
Map of Galaxy instances is on GCUK web site.
We aren't united by a distinct language like France or Japan.
The big Data paper by Dan MacLean on how they changed the environment at TSL.
- Took goodwill, infrastructure, backing. It increased productivity.
Raising the profile of GCUK.
- People think they need a bioinformatician
- But they don't need to wait.
- BBSRC has funding
- MRC funding?
Call for Participation
If you are interested in becoming active in GCUK then please send an email to [Christian Schudoma TSL](mailto:christian.schudoma AT tsl DOT ac DOT uk).