[Schedule](https://gccbosc2018.sched.com/) | [Conf PDF](https://depot.galaxyproject.org/hub/attachments/events/gccbosc2018/gccbosc2018-printed-program.pdf) |
[Training](/events/gccbosc2018/training/) |
[Keynotes](/events/gccbosc2018/keynotes/) |
[CoFest](/events/gccbosc2018/collaboration/) |
[Register](/events/gccbosc2018/register/) |
[Venue](/events/gccbosc2018/venue/) |
[Sponsors](/events/gccbosc2018/sponsors/) |
[Conduct](/events/gccbosc2018/code-of-conduct/) |
[FAQ](/events/gccbosc2018/faq/) |
[Promotion](/events/gccbosc2018/promotion/) |
**June 25-30, Portland, Oregon, United States**
**[Registration](/events/gccbosc2018/register/) • [Housing](/events/gccbosc2018/venue/) • [Childcare](/events/gccbosc2018/childcare/) • [Schedule](https://gccbosc2018.sched.com/)**
[#GCCBOSC](https://twitter.com/hashtag/gccbosc) / [Chat](https://gitter.im/GCC-BOSC-2018/)
GCCBOSC 2018 Organizers
This event is hosted by Oregon Health & Science University and jointly organized by the GCC2018 and BOSC 2018 Organizing Committees.
Contact Us
We can be reached at:
- GCCBOSC 2018 Organizers gccbosc2018-org@lists.galaxyproject.org
If you have a community specific query you can contact:
- BOSC 2018 Organizing Committee bosc@open-bio.org
- GCC2018 Organizing Committee gcc2018-org@lists.galaxyproject.org
GCCBOSC 2018 Organizers
- Heather Wiencko, Hosted Graphite, BOSC 2018 Co-Chair
- Nicole Vasilevsky, Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), GCC2018 Co-Chair
- Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Open Humans
- Christopher Sullivan, Oregon State University
- Stephen Ramsey, Oregon State University
- Abhinav Nellore, Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU)
- Hilmar Lapp, Duke University
- Pratik Jagtap, University of Minnesota
- Karsten Hokamp, Trinity College Dublin
- Nomi Harris, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, BOSC 2018 Chair
- Melissa Haendel, Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU)
- Christopher Fields, University of Illinois
- Maria Doyle, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
- Peter Cock,The James Hutton Institute
- Dave Clements, Johns Hopkins University, GCC2018 Co-Chair
- Andrew Chitty, Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU)
- Brad Chapman, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, BOSC 2018 Co-Chair
GCC2018 Scientific Program Committee
- Bérénice Batut, University of Freiburg
- Carrie Ganote,Indiana University
- Jeremy Goecks, Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU)
- Saskia Hiltemann, Erasmus Medical Center, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Pratik Jagtap, University of Minnesota, Committee Chair
- Abhinav Nellore, Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU)
- Anna Ritz,Reed College
- Margaret Staton, University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Nicole Vasilevsky, Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU)