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GCC2021 Abstract and Fellowship Submission, and Early Registration Deadlines Extended

Talks & Fellowships due 17 May; Poster/Demos due 14 June


We are pleased to announce that several deadlines for the 2021 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2021) have been extended. See below.

GCC2021 Talks and poster/demo presentations will be selected from abstract submissions. We welcome submissions that use, implement or extend the Galaxy platform and ecosystem, including integrating and analyzing datasets in any research area, enhancing reproducibility in computational analyses, and fostering collaboration in scientific workflow development

Talk Abstracts: 17 May

Talk abstracts are now due by the end of 17 May. Talks can be either long (15-20 minutes) or lightning (5-7 minutes). Talks will be pre-recorded, with live Q&A. Submit your abstract now.

Poster/Demo Abstracts: 14 June

Poster/Demo abstracts are now due by the end of 14 June. (However, you are encouraged to submit your abstracts earlier, if at all possible.) Poster/Demos will be presented live at Remo.co tables and will not be limited to a single large PDF. They are an opportunity to fully communicate your work. Submit your abstract now.

GCC2021 Community Fellowships: 17 May

The Galaxy Community Fund is offering fellowships to students, post-docs, and other non-profit / academic / government researchers based in lower, lower-middle and upper-middle income countries who will benefit from attending GCC2021, and for whom the cost of registration is a barrier.

Fellowships will cover the full registration for any GCC2021 events awardees want to attend. Interested? Apply here by May 17.

Early Registration: 1 June

Early conference registration is open until 1 June.

About GCC2021

GCC2021 events will be held 28 June through July 10, and will be virtual, affordable, and globally accessible. GCC2021 features a 3 day conference, 6-8 July, with talks, Q&A, posters, demos, bird-of-a-feather, and plenty of networking. All meeting events will be repeated twice daily, 9 hours apart, making this event accessible to the world. All events, except for talks will be live in both time slots.