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Biohackathon Europe 2024: A successful collaborative effort to develop workflows for FAIR Image Analysis using Galaxy

At BioHackathon Europe 2024 in Barcelona, a group of FAIR enthusiasts work on development of image analysis workflows using the Galaxy.

The Biohackathon Europe 2024, held recently in Barcelona, brought together over twenty researchers, developers, and bioinformatics experts from across the Europe to work on 30 projects with a particular focus on FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) image data analysis. Organized by ELIXIR Europe and Euro-BioImaging, the event proved the power of collaborative BioHackathon in advancing open science and improving workflows for biological image data.

As highlighted by the FAIR Image Data Workflows Expert Group, the increasing complexity and volume of biological image data demand robust solutions to ensure data and workflow accessibility and reusability. Participants worked on projects ranging from metadata standardization to the integration of image analysis tools into platforms like Galaxy, making it easier for researchers to process and share data. We invite you to take a look at the event summary on the Euro Bioimaging website as well as the preprint on the BioHackrXiv.

Soon there will be a new Hackathon held in Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) on 22.04.2025. You can read more about the event on its event page and register for participating in the next Hackathon using this Google form.