Date | 21 April 2016 | ||
Time | 5 pm Central European Time | ||
Topics | The Galaxy Portal: Accessing Galaxy from Mobile Devices (Slides)Tool Development Developments (PDF) | ||
Links | Video |
GalaxyAdmins is a discussion group for Galaxy community members who are responsible for Galaxy installations. The April 2016 meetup will feature two topics:
Galaxy Portal

Galaxy is now accessible from your IOS and Android devices. The Galaxy Portal app is a quick and easy way to monitor the status of biomedical research on any Galaxy server. With this app you can set up a list of Galaxy connections and browse your analyses histories in a user-friendly format and take a peek at your data on the go.
The app has been in development for over a year at the University of Oslo as part of Claus Børnich's masters thesis and is described in
Claus Børnich, Ivar Grytten, Eivind Hovig, Jonas Paulsen, Martin Čech, and Geir Kjetil Sandve. Galaxy Portal: Interacting with the Galaxy platform through mobile devices. Bioinformatics first published online January 27, 2016 doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btw042
A user manual, additional information, and the full source are available on GitHub.
Galaxy Portal is provided free of charge.
Tool Development Developments
Galaxy Team member John Chilton will discuss recent tool development developments including Conda, tool version profiles, and Planemo enhancements.
Call Technology

The meetup's online conference room will open 15 minutes before the meetup. The call will use Johns Hopkins' Adobe Connect server, which in turn uses Adobe Flash. You are encouraged to connect a few minutes early to work out any unexpected bumps.
Instructions for Participants
- You can ask questions either by raising your hand or by typing the question in the chat box.
- If you raise your hand, the host will need to recognize you.
- If you ask a question verbally, please wear headphones. Not wearing headphones lead to unpleasant feedback.