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2022 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2022)
July 17-23, 2022
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
GCC2022 Sponsors
Sponsors are a key part of GCC2022. They are potential partners in your success, and sponsors make this conference affordable and accessible.
Please join everyone during the sponsor talks to learn more about how their services relate to the Galaxy community and software. Sponsor talks are generally scheduled at the start of the last session with accepted talks. See the program for exact times.
Platinum sponsor

Gold sponsors

Silver sponsor

Bronze sponsors

Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Is your organization interested in playing a prominent role in the first in-person gathering of the Galaxy community since 2019? Becoming a GCC2022 sponsor is an excellent way to raise your organization's visibility in active and engaged Galaxy community. See below for sponsorship packages and then contact the organizers.
Sponsortship levels are summarized below. Please contact the conference organizers with any questions if you are interested in sponsoring.
Meeting Sponsorships
Sponsorship are offered at many levels, with an option for every budget:
Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | |
Cost | $5000 | $3000 | $2000 | $1000 |
Non-profit cost | $3750 | $2250 | $1500 | $750 |
Sponsored event | Dinner or opening reception | A lunch | No | No |
Sponsor talk | 25 minutes | 15 minutes | No | No |
Exhibit space | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Registrations | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Ad in printed | 2 full pages | Full page | Half page | Quarter page |
Logo/Link on web | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |

Cost: $5000 ($3750 for non-profit)
- Be the exclusive sponsor of the conference dinner or the conference opening reception
- An exhibit space
- Organization logo listed as a platinum sponsor on meeting home and sponsor pages, with link to URL
- Organization logo listed as a platinum sponsor on printed material distributed to meeting participants
- 2 full page color ads in printed program
- 4 registrations for all conference events and meals
- Be one of just 2 Platinum Sponsors

Cost: $3000 ($2250 for non-profit)
- Be the exclusive sponsor of a lunch during the meeting, or sponsor all breaks during a meeting day
- An exhibit space
- Organization logo listed as a gold sponsor on meeting home and sponsor pages, with link to URL
- Organization logo listed as a gold sponsor on printed material distributed to meeting participants
- 1 full page full color ad in printed program
- 3 registrations for all conference events and meals

Cost: $2000 ($1500 for non-profit)
- An exhibit space
- Organization logo listed as a silver sponsor on meeting home and sponsor pages, with link to URL
- Organization logo listed as a silver sponsor on printed material distributed to meeting participants
- Half page full-color ad in printed program
- 2 registrations for all conference events and meals

Cost: $1000 ($750 for non-profit)
- Organization logo listed as a bronze sponsor on meeting home and sponsor pages, with link to URL
- Organization logo listed as a bronze sponsor on printed material distributed to meeting participants
- Quarter page full color ad in printed materials
- 1 registration for all conference events and meals
Other Sponsorships
Other à la carte sponsorship opportunities are also available. Many additional opportunities exist, including the option to sponsor childcare, the first day of training, notepads and pens, lanyards, or the printed program. Please contact the organizers at gcc2022-org@lists.galaxyproject.org to inquire about sponsoring other aspects of this event.
CollaborationFest Sponsorships
Three days of collaborative work, also known as a hackathon, will follow the conference. Community members collaborate to extend the Galaxy platform and ecosystem. We are seeking sponsorships for this event. Please contact the GCC2022 Organizing Committee if your organization is interested in sponsoring the CollaborationFest. Registration for CoFest will be free.
Peta | Tera | Giga | |
Cost | $3000 | $1500 | $500 |
Sponsored event | CoFest Dinner | A lunch | No |
Ad in printed | Full page | Half page | Quarter page |
Logo/Link on web | Yes | Yes | Yes |

Cost: $3000
- Sponsorship of the CollaborationFest dinner
- Organization logo listed as a Peta level sponsor on collaborative events home and sponsor pages, with link to URL of your choice
- Organization logo listed as a collaborative events Peta sponsor on printed material distributed to meeting participants
- A full page color ad in printed material
- Four guaranteed participant slots for sponsor organization representatives (additional slots are possible, dependent on space)
- Thanks and acknowledgements from organisers before and during the collaborative events and dinner
- Be the only Peta Sponsor

Cost: $1500
- Sponsorship of one of a CoFest lunch.
- Organization logo listed as a Tera level sponsor on collaborative events home and sponsor pages, with link to URL of your choice
- Organization logo listed as a collaborative events Tera sponsor on printed material distributed to meeting participants
- A half page color ad in printed material
- Two guaranteed participant slots for sponsor organization representatives (additional slots are possible, dependent on space)
- Thanks and acknowledgements from organisers before and during the collaborative events and the lunch

Cost: $500
- Organization logo listed as a Giga level sponsor on collaborative events home and sponsor pages, with link to URL of your choice
- Organization logo listed as a Giga sponsor on printed material distributed to meeting participants
- A quarter page color ad in printed material
- A guaranteed participant slot for sponsor organisation representative
- Thanks and acknowledgements from organisers before and during the collaborative events
GCC2022 is hosted by the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (MSI) and the GalaxyP Project at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.