Notices about [Main](/main/)

Dated notices about known usage issues and solutions specifically for Galaxy's free public server. For the most current status notices as they are initially posted, please follow us at Twitter: (Galaxy on Twitter).

## March 20th 2014 TACC Corral filesystem resolution
  • Issue: Galaxy is currently unavailable due to problems with the Corral filesystem at the Texas Advanced Computing Center.
  • Update: March 21, 2014, TACC staff members identified the cause of the intermittent access to Corral. An unscheduled, extended maintenance period will be required, however, to permanently fix the problem. Corral will be taken down at 9 a.m. (CT) on Saturday, March 22 for the repairs. The estimated time of availability of Corral will be 9 a.m. on Monday, March 24. This maintenance overlaps with prior scheduled maintenance:
  • Solution: Use another Public Galaxy or start up your own Cloud Galaxy, plus follow us at Twitter for the most current Main status updates

  • Share notice:

## May 29th 2013 FTP login resolution
  • Issue: FTP login failed for user accounts newly created or that had passwords updated during the time frame May 20th - May 29th.
  • Solution: Change your Galaxy password using the form on the Main instance at

    • User -> Preferences -> Manage your information
    • On the "Manage User Information" form, change your password
    • Wait ~20 minutes for the server to update, then use FTP with the new credentials
  • How to use FTP Upload
  • Share notice:

I am having another issue, how do I get general support?

All sorts of ways. See Support wiki and watch Learning Resources screencast.
