GCC2024 is a community effort from planning to post conference publishing and feedback. In addition to all the participants, presenters, and instructors, here are the people who make it happen.

Organizing Committee

The organizing committee is the oversight and coordination group that makes sure GCC2024 runs smoothly.

To contact the organizing committee, please send an email to gcc2024-org@gaggle.email.

Hired consultant


This years conference is hosted by Masaryk University and ELIXIR Czech Republic and organized under the auspices of the city of Brno.


The project is being carried out with the financial support of the Statutory City of Brno under the auspices of the Mayor of the Statutory City of Brno, JUDr. Markéta Vaňková.

Scientific Committee Chair

The scientific program chair is responsible for the scientific program at GCC2024.

Scientific Committee Members

Scientific committee members are community volunteers who review the submitted abstracts.

Training Coordinators

Training coordinators structure the training events at GCC2024 and coordinated with all the trainers.

CoFest Organizers

CoFest organizers coordinate activities during CoFest.


You too! Capture those great moments during GCC2024 and share them in the #photos channel on the GCC2024 Slack. You can also just email your photos to photos-aaaang3pcibpgwgxfqnlqe5dyu@gcc2024.slack.com and the photos will automatically appear in Slack.