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2023 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2023)
July 10-16, 2023
Galaxy Australia
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Event highlights

The Galaxy Community Conference (GCC) is an annual conference focused on the use and development of the Galaxy platform for data-intensive biomedical research. The conference brings together scientists, software developers, and trainers of Galaxy from a variety of disciplines to share their experiences, knowledge, and skills.
The conference included talks, posters, and workshops on a wide range of topics related to Galaxy, including genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, and more. The GCC provides an opportunity for attendees to learn about the latest developments in the Galaxy platform and to connect with other members of the Galaxy community.

Three inspiring and prominent keynote speakers presented work on how they actively use and rely on Galaxy to make key research discoveries.
The covered topics focused on biodiversity and structural biology.
Check out their full biographies on the program page.

Brisbane is the capital city of the state of Queensland, Australia. It is known for its subtropical climate, outdoor lifestyle, and plentiful cultural attractions. The city is home to the Brisbane River, which winds its way through the city center and is lined with parks, gardens, and restaurants. Some popular attractions include the Brisbane Botanic Gardens, the Gallery of Modern Art, and South Bank, a large inner-city beach and entertainment precinct.

Galaxy Australia is one of the BIG THREE managed usegalaxy services and its members have been key contributors to the Galaxy project for over a decade. Galaxy AU is hosted by the BioCommons consortium, which aims to support the development of open and collaborative approaches to biomedical research in Australia. Galaxy AU was thrilled to bring the entire Galaxy community together in 2023 and showcase its home base.

Brisbane (airport code BNE) is very well connected within Australia as well as the rest of the world with many direct flights. The conference was held at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) with several nearby lodging options. The Travel page has more details.

COVID-19 remains a ongoing global concern, particularly when attending meetings where people have traveled from all over the world. Take a look at the COVID-19 page for the GCC2023 conference policy.
GCC2023 Sponsors