The Galactic Blog

Galactic Blog

Welcome to the Galactic Blog, a list of Galaxy related blog posts from community members. This blog contains longer form posts or pointers to longer form posts that are elsewhere on the web.

The Galactic Blog complements the Galaxy News feed.

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Galactic Blog

Here's what people are saying

14 Jun 2024 Ross Lazarus, Helena Rasche, Frederik Coppens, Michelle Savage

from the Galactic Blog

Code Of Conduct Committee Annual Update

21 Aug 2023 Natalie Whitaker

from the Galactic Blog

Paper highlight: Scalable, accessible, and reproducible reference genome assembly and evaluation in Galaxy (Larivière et al. 2023)

We are excited to share a new paper in preprint that shares the latest genome assembly pipeline used by the Vertebrate Genome Project in Galaxy! "

14 Aug 2023 Natalie Whitaker

from the Galactic Blog

GCC2023 Meeting Report

That's a wrap! Catch up on all the highlights from GCC2023 here!

14 Jul 2023 Anton Nekrutenko

from the Galactic Blog

Fighting Galactic Misconceptions (FGB): Misconception 1

Is Galaxy only useful for genome scientists? Absolutely Not!

5 Dec 2022 Assunta DeSanto, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Ross Lazarus, Helena Rasche, Frederik Coppens, Michelle Savage

from the Galactic Blog

Code Of Conduct Committee Annual Update

18 Aug 2022 Melkeberhan Berhanu Degefa, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Anne Fouilloux

from the Galactic Blog

Mental Health Assessment Tools

Tenth blog post presenting the Outreachy project on Mental Health

18 Aug 2022 Melkeberhan Berhanu Degefa, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Anne Fouilloux

from the Galactic Blog

Why we should support the underrepresented communities

Ninth blog post presenting the Outreachy project on Mental Health

15 Aug 2022 Kranti Konganti

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy + Nextflow at CFSAN, FDA.

How Nextflow pipelines are integrated into Galaxy project at CFSAN, FDA.

5 Aug 2022 Melkeberhan Berhanu Degefa, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Anne Fouilloux

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy Well-being and Mental Health Project Survey Result Highlights

Eighth blog post presenting the Outreachy project on Mental Health

25 Jul 2022 Soumya Jha, Anne Fouilloux, Jean Iaquinta

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy climate to support local/regional initiatives and concrete actions to fight climate change

Second blog post presenting the Outreachy project on Galaxy Climate

25 Jul 2022 Melkeberhan Berhanu Degefa, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Anne Fouilloux

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy Well-being and Mental Health Project GCC2022 BoF Session Highlights

Seventh blog post presenting the Outreachy project on Mental Health

15 Jul 2022 Melkeberhan Berhanu Degefa, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Anne Fouilloux

from the Galactic Blog

Creating a Mentally Healthy Work Environment

Sixth blog post presenting the Outreachy project on Mental Health

14 Jul 2022 Melkeberhan Berhanu Degefa, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Anne Fouilloux

from the Galactic Blog

The Importance of Mental Health and its Risk Factors

Fifth blog post presenting the Outreachy project on Mental Health

13 Jul 2022 Melkeberhan Berhanu Degefa, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Anne Fouilloux

from the Galactic Blog

Common Challenges Faced in Open-source Part II

Fourth blog post presenting the Outreachy project on Mental Health

6 Jul 2022 Melkeberhan Berhanu Degefa, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Anne Fouilloux

from the Galactic Blog

Common Problems Faced in Open-source Part I

Third blog post presenting the Outreachy project on Mental Health

4 Jul 2022 Soumya Jha, Anne Fouilloux, Jean Iaquinta

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy climate to support local/regional initiatives and concrete actions to fight climate change

First blog post presenting the Outreachy project on Galaxy Climate

1 Jul 2022 Melkeberhan Berhanu Degefa, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Anne Fouilloux

from the Galactic Blog

Defining Key Concepts in Galaxy Well-being and Mental Health Project

Second blog post presenting the Outreachy project on Mental Health

29 Jun 2022 Melkeberhan Berhanu Degefa, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Anne Fouilloux

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy Well-being and Mental Health Project

First blog post presenting the Outreachy project on Mental Health

22 Jun 2022 Melke Berhan, Shivani Sangwan, Soumya Jha, Anne Fouilloux, Beatriz Serrano-Solano

from the Galactic Blog

Welcome to our 3 new Outreachy interns!

From Galaxy dev, Galaxy Climate to Galaxy Well-being and mental health.

16 Jun 2022 Enis Afgan & Subina Mehta

from the Galactic Blog

A guide to GCC2022

Where Galaxy meets in 2022!

20 Apr 2022 Alessandro Culotti

from Terra Blog

The redesigned interface provides access to interactive analysis applications supported by Cloud Environments, i.e. Jupyter Notebook, RStudio and Galaxy

6 Apr 2022 Beatriz Serrano-Solano

from the Galactic Blog

We are launching the new Galaxy Community Calls

A broad forum for global community updates and discussions

1 Mar 2022 Chinonye Mildred Egenti, Rahmot Afolabi, Bérénice Batut, Assunta DeSanto

from Galaxy Mentor Network

27 Jan 2022 Assunta DeSanto, Beatriz Serrano-Solano, John Chilton, Dannon Baker

from the Galactic Blog

Goodbye Dev Roundtables

working groups do it better

27 Jan 2022 Assunta DeSanto

from the Galactic Blog

Meet the Community: Assunta DeSanto

18 Jan 2022 Björn Grüning, Cristóbal Gallardo, Jennifer Hillman-Jackson, Ross Lazarus

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy as a sharing infrastructure and how this enables efficient user support

16 Jan 2022 Ross Lazarus

from the Galactic Blog

A user's guide to the virtual, automated, computing Lab Notebook in Galaxy.

How a "Redo" button enables transparent and open scientific computing.

16 Jan 2022 Ross Lazarus

from the Galactic Blog

Commoditising open computing in Galaxy

Transparent, reproducible open computing as a public good

14 Jan 2022 Ross Lazarus

from the Galactic Blog

A contributor's guide to the Galaxy

How to make Galaxy even better

13 Jan 2022 Reginald Johnson

from AWS Public Sector Blog

A personal Galaxy instance on the cloud with a fixed monthly cost.

12 Jan 2022 Maria Pia

from Outreachy internship program

17 Dec 2021 Anton Nekrutenko

from the Galactic Blog

DaveC: The founder of Galaxy Community

Thank you DaveC

12 Dec 2021 Chinonye Mildred Egenti

from Outreachy internship program

12 Dec 2021 Chinonye Mildred Egenti

from Outreachy internship program

11 Dec 2021 Maria Pia

from Outreachy internship program

10 Dec 2021 Rahmot Afolabi

from Outreachy internship program

10 Dec 2021 Dave Clements

from the Galactic Blog

Thanks, for absolutely everything.

11 years exploring the Galaxy

30 Nov 2021 Yvan Le Bras

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy interactive tools and R Shiny apps

Some dreams, mixing synchronous and asynchronous workflows in Galaxy and adding high degree of interactivity into Galaxy thanks to R Shiny are ready to be reality

25 Nov 2021 Cristóbal Gallardo


Galaxy Help, together with the different Gitter channels, is one of the primary meeting places where Galaxy users turn to searching for answers.

13 Nov 2021 Anne Fouilloux


Tools in Climate Science: Linking Observations with Modelling

2 Nov 2021 Chinonye Mildred

from Outreachy internship program

2 Nov 2021 Maria Pia

from Outreachy internship program

2 Nov 2021 Maria Pia

from Outreachy internship program

2 Nov 2021 Rahmot Afolabi

from Outreachy internship program

15 Oct 2021 Enis Afgan

from the Galactic Blog

Sunsetting the CloudLaunch service

There are now better alternatives to using Galaxy on the cloud

10 Oct 2021 Peter van Heusden

from SASBi News

The switch to online bioinformatics training forced by the COVID-19 pandemic has opened spaces for collaboration in ways that were previously limited by geography.

21 Sep 2021 Enis Afgan

from the Galactic Blog

Human Genetics working group T2 update

Expanding Galaxy’s ability to analyze protected human data

14 Sep 2021 Nick Stoler, Dannon Baker

from the Galactic Blog

The New Galaxy Community Hub

2 Sep 2021 Luke Sargent

from the Galactic Blog

Cancer informatics working group T2 update

CI-WG Updates from the tertile

28 Aug 2021 Peter van Heusden

from Low Order Magic

Using a specific venv for running on the cluster that is configured on the cluster

20 Aug 2021 Peter van Heusden

from SANBI News

Highlights of GCC2021 included talks on Galaxy tools for analysing SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 and a number of talks on the use of Galaxy in a pathogen genomics and public health context.

7 Aug 2021 Christina Hall

from Australian BioCommons

Galaxy Australia’s new high memory servers have delivered an impressive leap forward for scientists with large datasets and computationally-intensive analyses.

9 Jun 2021 Meaghan McConlogue

from Terra Blog

Galaxy is now available in all flavors of the Terra platform.

7 May 2021 Alex Mahmoud, Nuwan Goonasekera, Keith Suderman, Enis Afgan

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy Helm chart v4.0

From dev to testing to production on the same stack.

24 Mar 2021 Nolan Woods

from Innovate Invent

"a useful bag of tricks and tools"

15 Mar 2021 Saskia Hiltemann, Helena Rasche

from Gallantries Blog

A report on the largest Galaxy event ever.

1 Mar 2021 Enis Afgan

from GalaxyWorks Blog

With hundreds of options available to use Galaxy, how do you pick the right one for you?

22 Feb 2021 Wolfgang Maier, Marius Van Den Beek, Björn Grüning, Sergei Kosakovsky Pond, Anton Nekrutenko, and the Galaxy Team in US, EU, and AU

from Virological

Global framework for SARS-CoV-2 data analysis: Application to intrahost variation

Parts 1 and 2

8 Feb 2021 Dan Blankenberg

from GalaxyWorks Blog

3 Feb 2021 Kelli Shute, Enis Afgan

from Trusted CI Blog

On the path toward Galaxy security compliance

1 Feb 2021 Helena Rasche

from Gallantries Blog

Lessons learned

29 Jan 2021 Geraldine Van der Auwera

from Terra Blog

Your own personal Galaxy

26 Nov 2020 Anne Fouilloux

from EOSC-Nordic

Galaxy as a common platform

20 Nov 2020 Peter Bickerton

from Earlham Institute

28 Aug 2020 Peter van Heusden

from SASBi News

Bioinformatics online

26 Aug 2020 Dave Clements

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy: the first 10,000 pubs

The Galaxy Publication Library hits a milestone

13 Aug 2020 BCC2020 Organizers

from BCC2020

27 Jul 2020 Chris Armit

from GIGABlog

Meetings In the Time of Coronavirus: Conferences go Viral

16 Jul 2020 Nuwan Goonasekera, Alexandru Mahmoud, Mohamad Safadieh, Enis Afgan

from the Galactic Blog

GVL 5.0-beta4: data browser, project-level isolation, and Galaxy 20.05

The GVL workbench now integrated through data

29 Jun 2020 Emily Lescak

from Code for Science & Society Blog

How BCC2020 went online

22 Jun 2020 Alexandru Mahmoud, Nuwan Goonasekera, Enis Afgan

from the Galactic Blog

Multi-tenant, multi-project GVL with Galaxy, Jupyter, Terminal, and RStudio

Complete analysis on one platform, including training and collaboration

24 Apr 2020 Alexandru Mahmoud, Nuwan Goonasekera, Luke Sargent, Enis Afgan

from the Galactic Blog

GVL 5.0-beta2 release

30% faster and single sign-on, ohh my

15 Apr 2020 Michael Thompson

from OBF

Everything about Galaxy is Ansible!

14 Feb 2020 Enis Afgan, Nuwan Goonasekera, Alexandru Mahmoud, Alex Ostrovsky, the GVL and Galaxy teams

from the Galactic Blog

With Love: The All-new GVL 5.0 (beta)

Now more reliable, with better security, and with new features.

7 Jan 2020 Yvan Le Bras, Simon Bénateau

from the Galactic Blog

Crowdsourcing citizen science data on

Galaxy for Ecology, mixing Ecology research, Citizen Science and Massively Multi Online Science

18 Dec 2019 Stephan Beck

from Personal Genome Project UK blog

Galaxy is particularly useful for anyone seeking training in multi-omics analyses and creating of workflows.

14 Nov 2019 Ben Orsburn

from News in Proteomics Research

The arguments are building up for why you need this

29 Jul 2019 Dave Clements

from the Galactic Blog

Looking for Galaxy (info), in all the right places

Which are dangerously close to the wrong places...

23 Jul 2019 Dave Clements, Martin Cech, Mo Heydarian, Hans-Rudolf Hotz and Nicola Soranzo

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy on Twitter: An Update

What's happening, right now

8 Jul 2019 Erin Becker, Francois Michonneau

from the Galactic Blog

What goes into a major lesson update?

30 May 2019 Enis Afgan and Nuwan Goonasekera

from the Galactic Blog

Enabling cloud bursting for Galaxy

Expand your compute horizons.

15 Apr 2019 Enis Afgan and Vahid Jalili

from the Galactic Blog

Building up support for the Google Cloud Platform in Galaxy

Get on the cloud, Google Cloud!

2 Apr 2019 Björn Grüning

from the Galactic Blog

A sneak peak at GCC2019

New scheduling format this year

28 Feb 2019 Mo Heydarian

from the Galactic Blog

Interview with Nate Coraor: CVMFS & Galaxy

Find out about Galaxy's favorite filesystem

15 Jan 2019 Bérénice Batut

from the Galactic Blog

Tutorial of the Month: "Genome annotation with Prokka", selected by Simon Gladman

27 Dec 2018 Ben Orsburn

from the Galactic Blog

QuanTP is a great new gap bridging tool!

12 Dec 2018 Martin Čech

from the Galactic Blog

Contributor of the Month: Simon Gladman

27 Nov 2018 Ming Chen

from the Galactic Blog

A web application for developing Galaxy tools through web interfaces

15 Nov 2018 Bérénice Batut

from the Galactic Blog

Tutorial of the Month: "Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis", selected by Saskia Hiltemann

1 Nov 2018 Martin Čech

from the Galactic Blog

Contributor of the Month: Saskia Hiltemann

15 Oct 2018 Bérénice Batut

from the Galactic Blog

Tutorial of the Month: "Galaxy 101", selected by Yvan Le Bras

1 Oct 2018 Björn Grüning

from the Galactic Blog

Contributor of the Month: Yvan Le Bras

Citizen Science and Galaxy for Ecology

28 Sep 2018 Bérénice Batut

from the Galactic Blog

Tutorial of the Month: Maria Doyle selected "From peaks to genes"

17 Sep 2018 Christina Hall

from EMBL-ABR News

Hybrid training delivers online participatory training to far-reaching venues, with Galaxy of course

5 Sep 2018 Björn Grüning

from the Galactic Blog

Contributor of the Month: Carrie Ganote

30 Aug 2018 Peter Briggs

from Galactic Engineer

Seeing "Error cloning repository: [Errno 2] No such file or directory"?

1 Aug 2018 Björn Grüning

from the Galactic Blog

Contributor of the Month: Pablo Moreno

15 Jun 2018 Bérénice Batut, on behalf of the Galaxy Training Network

from the Galactic Blog

A fruitful year for the Galaxy Training material

1 Feb 2018 Arun Decano

from arundecano: Research Findings & World Wanderings blog

8 Jan 2018 Ming Chen

from the Galactic Blog

Using R Markdown as a framework to develop Galaxy tools

12 Dec 2017 Tomas Klingström

from the Galactic Blog

Galaksio: a Galaxy user interface focused on running prepared workflows

Make your workflows more accessible to non-bioinformaticians

11 Dec 2017 Tomas Klingström

from Freiburg Galaxy Team Blog

Training using the Galaksio interface

1 Dec 2017 Vimalkumar Velayudhan

from Vimalkumar Velayudhan's Blog

Setup a DigitalOcean droplet with Galaxy, Apache and PostgreSQL

8 Nov 2017 B. Grüning

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy Docker 17.09

CVMFS and Singularity support

16 Oct 2017 Dave Clements

from the Galactic Blog

Galaxy: the first 5,000 pubs

The Galaxy Publication Library hits a milestone

16 Oct 2017 Anton Nekrutenko

from the Galactic Blog

Small genome assembly in Galaxy

Why not to do assembly on-line?

10 Oct 2017 Björn Grüning

from the Galactic Blog

SciPy and scikit-learn integration into Galaxy

6 Oct 2017 Helena Rasche

from the Galactic Blog

Public Galaxy Server Dashboard

a new view of the Universe

5 Oct 2017 Frederik Coppens, Gildas Le Corguillé, Björn Grüning

from the Galactic Blog

ELIXIR establishes a new official Community for Galaxy

4 Oct 2017 Dave Clements

from the Galactic Blog

Welcome to the Galactic Blog

It needs you

20 Sep 2017 Ben Orsburn

from News in Proteomics Research

where all the Galaxy tools for Affiniity purification/enrichment MS experiments are located in a form where we all can use them

1 Aug 2017 Jeffrey Perkel

from Naturejobs Blog

Working with data programmatically inside Galaxy

31 Jul 2017 Hollydawn Murry

from F1000 Research blog

a run down of this year's Galaxy Community Conference

25 Jul 2017 Simon Gladman

from Melbourne Bioinformatics Projects Blog

UK, UK, UK, and France

29 May 2017 Paul Gordon

from ACHRI Bioinformatics

How to configure Apache to authenticate a user against an LDAP server that requires authentication to search

28 Apr 2017 Scott Edmunds

from (GIGA)Blog

Galaxy Series, Volumes 1-12

25 Apr 2017 Peter Briggs

from Galactic Engineer

Secure communication between a Galaxy instance and its users

17 Mar 2017 Nathan Bott

from Dell EMC Emerging Technologies Blog

Focus on the data

10 Mar 2017 Rafa Hernández

from Docker Galaxy Stable Docs

A step by step guide

2 Nov 2016 Chase Miller

from iobio Blog

bam.iobio and vcf.iobio can now be launched directly from galaxy using your data already stored there.

20 Sep 2016 Björn Grüning

from (GIGA)Blog

For deployment issues, we need a package manager that is operating system and programming language agnostic...

24 Aug 2016 Greg Von Kuster

from Greg Von Kuster's GitHub

Galaxy CSG flavor

13 Jul 2016 Igor Makunin

from Genomics Virtual Lab – Queensland

A howto guide on getting data from one instance to another.

20 Jun 2016 Marius van den Beek

from Docker Galaxy Stable Docs

Instructions on how to do this ...

3 Mar 2016 Alex Kanterakis

from Alexandros Kanterakis's Gist

A basic guide on how to setup Galaxy with TORQUE in an EC2 instance

14 Dec 2015 Nicole Nogoy

from (GIGA)Blog

a summary of our recent technical developments

8 Dec 2015 Mikael Loaec, Olivier Inizan

from the Galactic Blog

Testing the connexion of Galaxy to iRODS object store.

21 Oct 2015 Steve Cassidy

from Steve Cassidy's blog

How to generate dataset collections from a Galaxy tool

9 Oct 2015 Peter van Heusden

from low order magic

Explanation of Galaxy's tool dependency definitions that specify how to source the actual packages that implement the tool’s commands

30 Jul 2015 Hans-Rudolf Hotz

from the Galactic Blog

Moving from MySQL to PostgreSQL

It is pretty simple, though you might hit some obstacles depending on how old your MySQL server is and how much you have manually interfered with the database.

12 Jul 2015 Benedikt Rauscher, Benjamen White

from Benjamen White's Blog

A simple step by step guide on how to use Sebastian Wilzbach’s application, biojs2galaxy.

2 Jun 2015 Peter Briggs

from Galactic Engineer

Outline how I've done this for our local Galaxy set up, which uses nginx.

22 Apr 2015 Peter Briggs

from Galactic Engineer

Using GALAXY_SLOTS with multithreaded Galaxy tools

18 Mar 2015 Peter Briggs

from Galactic Engineer

A HOWTO for installing ANNOVAR in Galaxy

17 Mar 2015 Peter Briggs

from Galactic Engineer

Astronomy, phones, sports teams, chocolate, cars. Not.

28 Feb 2015 Peter Briggs

from Galactic Engineer

How to implement ProFTPd using PBKFD2 protocol for encryption

28 Feb 2015 Pierre Lindenbaum


Example showing how to install a Java program as a tool in a Galaxy instance

27 Nov 2014 Nicole Nogoy

from (GIGA)Blog

GigaGalaxy and “bring your own” data parties

1 Sep 2014 Tracey Timms-Wilson

from The Bio-Linux at the NERC Environmental 'Omics Synthesis Centre series

Want to run Galaxy under Bio-Linux 8?

10 Jun 2014 William Holtz

from the Galactic Blog

Setting up a secure tool shed with remote authentication

Requires some tweaks in order to allow Galaxy to communicate with the Tool Shed

24 Apr 2014 Scott Edmunds

from (GIGA)Blog

Tackling irreproducible research

28 Mar 2014 Olivier Inizan, Mikael Loaec

from Puppet Forge

A puppet module for a very basic galaxy server (use for development)

6 Feb 2014 Scott Edmunds

from (GIGA)Blog

GigaScience moves toward more interactive articles

27 Jan 2014 Tim Booth

from the Galactic Blog

Problem with logout when using LDAP for authentication with remoteUser enabled

Make changes to 4 Galaxy configuration files

5 Dec 2013 Contributors

from IFB Galaxy Work Group Wiki

Documents best practices for tool integration

27 Oct 2013 Sarah Maman, Nabihoudine Ibou

from IFB Galaxy Work Group Wiki

How to set up IGV-Galaxy integration in Apache and Galaxy, including adding custom genomes

23 Oct 2013 Contributors

from IFB Galaxy Work Group Wiki

Process for sharing workflows, including wrapping necessary tools

12 Oct 2013 Thomas Cokelaer

from BioServices Documentation

A HOWTO on linking BioServices and Galaxy

9 Jul 2013 Scott Edmunds

from (GIGA)Blog

eye-wateringly expensive alcohol, brown cheese and reproducible research at the Galaxy Community Conference in Oslo

9 Jul 2013 John Chilton

from CloudBioLinux Repo

How to build CloudMan instances from scratch using the CloudBioLinux deployer

6 May 2013 Samuel Lampa

from Samuel's Tech Blog

XML wrapper and R code

10 Apr 2013 Contributors

from IFB Galaxy Work Group Wiki

Documents creation of virtual machine ISO image

21 Feb 2013 Brad Chapman

from CloudBioLinux Repo

Python script in CloudBioLinux

25 Jan 2013 Quang Trinh

from modENCODE-DCC: Galaxy GitHub Repo

A HOWTO guide

1 Jan 2013 Kostas Karasavvas


The workflow-to-galaxy Ruby Gem